Sunday, June 17, 2012

Journal Entry from 04/13/12 - James*

April 13, 2012
James* called us today and told us we said he could call us anytime if he needed anything. He asked us to pray for him. He has a history in his family of depression and the doctor told him they didnt know what else they could do for him cuz he is already on meds. So, after we got that call we went over to Jame's and had a little lesson with him and it was pretty good. We resolved some of his concerns and he said that the bible says if a man sees God he shall surely die. Well, Moses talked with God face to face, and we know all things are possible with God. He can transfigure one to stand His presence. But it was good to talk about that. and Jerry is going through the Book of Mormon from the beginning so that is great!

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